>> Wednesday, August 4, 2010 –
Adventure Victoria
The wait is over!
It's time to step back in time and relive the memories and magic at Cherry Tree Lane.
Everyone has their favourite Mary Poppins song...was yours Chim Chim Cher-ee, A Spoonful of Sugar, Feed the Birds or Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
(Sorry if you have that song stuck in your head for the rest of the day!)
Mary Poppins the stage spectacular is playing for a strictly limited season at Her Majesty's Theatre in Melbourne. Based on both the book by Aussie P.L. Travers and the 1964 film, it features new sub plots and songs.
It'll cost you over $130 for a good seat (you can grab midweek matinee seats in the stalls for $60) but unlike other musical theatre experiences (I'm talking about you Cats...meow!) you'll be floating out of the theatre feeling you absolutely got your money's worth.
But you know if you are planning an evening at the theatre dahling, you absolutely must make a night of it.
There a ton of fantastic restaurants near Her Majesty's Theatre. For a list and locations check out this site.
Her Majesty's Theatre. 219 Exhibition Street. Melbourne Victoria 3000.
Super - cali - fragi - listic - EX - P - I - A - LI - DOCIOUS!